Product Terms
The terms below (“Product Terms”) forms part of, and is subject to, the Master Services Agreement or other written or electronic terms of service or subscription agreement between Lampi AI and Customer that reference this terms (the “Agreement”), and is effective on the Effective Date of the Agreement.
Capitalized terms used in these Product Terms but not defined below are defined in the Agreement. Lampi AI may modify these Product Terms periodically. If an update will materially affect Customer's use of the Lampi AI Software, Lampi AI will notify Customer prior to the update's effective date (except for changes due to legal or regulatory reasons which may be effective immediately). Otherwise, updates will be effective as of the date of deployment.
Lampi AI Search Services. The following governs the Customer’s use of the Lampi AI search capabilities, enabling Customer to navigate through Customer Data, incorporating uploaded or connected Customer Data from various third-party applications, all from a single access point (“Lampi AI Search Services”). Customer agrees that, upon being granted access, Lampi AI will ingest and systematically index data from the specified sources. Customer maintains the authority to designate which data sources are to be connected and indexed by Lampi AI. Customer represents and warrants that (i) it has the necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to connect the Customer Data, (ii) that the use of Customer Data will not violate or infringe the rights of any third party, and (iii) Customer Data will comply with the Terms of Use.
Lampi AI Model Services. The following governs the Customer’s use of the Lampi AI Chatbot and AI agents, and any other service to which Customer may input Customer Data to a machine learning model hosted by Lampi AI (collectively, “Lampi AI Model Services”). Customer may input Customer Data into the Lampi AI Model Services and receive Output. Customer represents and warrants that (i) it has the necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to create the Output, (ii) that the use of Output will not violate or infringe the rights of any third party, and (iii) Output will comply with the Terms of Use. Lampi AI does not have any obligation to monitor Customer Data, Output, or Customer application, but Customer acknowledges and agrees that Lampi AI reserves the right to, upon request, monitor any and all information transmitted or received through Lampi AI Model Services for support as mentioned in the Master Services Agreement. On the Lampi AI Software, Lampi AI provides a list of the major open-source or foundation models available on the market. It is the Customer's responsibility to select the model that suits their needs and that complies with its technical or legal requirements.
Lampi AI Assistant Meeting Services. The following governs the Customer’s use of Lampi AI meeting assistant, allowing Customer to record, transcribe, summarize, analyze, and take action on conversations. Lampi AI will not access, view or listen to any conversations without the Customer’s prior written consent. Such consent shall be considered given if Lampi AI deems is invited to the conversations or that the Lampi AI Assistant Meeting Services is used during the conversations. Any information obtained by Lampi AI while accessing a conversation is treated as Customer Data and shall be kept confidential by Lampi AI. Customer shall make the necessary arrangements to ensure a third-party that takes part in the conversation is provided with the necessary warning about the presence of any recordings made of a conversation. Customer shall notify the third party that their conversation with the Customer is being recorded by Lampi AI; and Lampi AI shall have no liability whatsoever in respect of any use made by Customer of the recordings and its contents, and/or of any personal information.
Trial Access to Services. Customer may receive access to Lampi AI Model Services on a trial or evaluation basis (“Trial Access”). Customer will not use Trial Access for commercial or production purposes and will not disclose to a third party any Output obtained from Trial Access. Customer acknowledges that Lampi AI may terminate Customer’s Trial Access at any time.
Fine-Tuned Models. Some Lampi AI Model Services may include machine learning models that have been fine-tuned, upon request from the Customer, with Customer Data based on a Base Model (“Fine-Tuned Model”). Customer does not own Fine-Tuned Models, which are subject to Lampi AI’s rights. Except for the rights expressly granted, and subject to third-party restrictions, Lampi AI owns and reserves all right, title, and interest in and to the Fine-Tuned Models and Base Models. Unless otherwise stated, Fine-Tuned Model is dedicated to the Customer and will not be available to any other-party. "Base Model” means a machine learning model which Lampi AI has trained, and may be based on Open-Source Models or Third-Party Models.
Hosting Services. The Lampi AI Software is available in different cloud infrastructure configurations allowing customers to select the best option to meet their security requirements. The offerings include: Lampi AI Public Cloud, Shared Private Cloud, and Dedicated Cloud. The Hosting offering selected by the Customer will be specified in the Order Form. The terms of this section apply to each of the Lampi AI Hosting options. The Lampi AI Software will be installed and hosted on computing equipment of the cloud computing service provider selected and retained by Lampi AI from time to time. Lampi AI reserves the right to determine the hosting service provider but will ensure the hosting service provider:
(a) is a globally recognised, tier-one hosting provider;
(b) agrees to provide the hosting using cloud infrastructure located in France or European Union;
(c) agrees to maintain a professional hosting facility designed for such use, equipped with industry-standard physical access security, climate control, fire suppression, and managed power supply with UPS and generator back-up;
(d) agrees to provide industry-standard data access security arrangements; and to implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures, including information security policies and safeguards, designed to preserve the security, integrity, and confidentiality of Customer Data (including personal information) and to protect against unauthorized or unlawful disclosure or corruption of or access. (On request, Lampi AI will give the Customer details of its then-current hosting provider and links to their security procedures.)
Lampi AI will install all system, database and Lampi AI Software on the hosted environment. The loading of initial Customer Data will be performed as part of the implementation, as a Lampi AI Professional Service.
Lampi AI informs the Customer, who accepts, that it might have the Services running on a cloud infrastructure that are performed by one of the following subcontractors: OVHcloud, OCI, Scaleway, Vercel, and/or Google Cloud Platform. All subcontractors have been selected for their high security standards, and security and privacy controls in place. Lampi AI will notify the Consumer of any changes to subcontractors that are not listed in these terms. If applicable, Lampi AI undertakes to pass on, in its agreements with subcontractors, the obligations incumbent on it under the Agreement. Lampi AI shall remain solely liable towards the Customer for the fulfillment of his contractual obligations arising from the Agreement. Unless otherwise stated, Customer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage or even individual application capabilities.
Implementation services. Lampi AI will provide services to help Customer deploy the Lampi AI Software. The details of the services, including the scope, deliverables, estimated timeline and fees, will be set out in an Order Form. The terms in this section apply generally to all deployments of Lampi AI Software on the Lampi AI Cloud. Lampi AI and the Customer will agree a scope and the Professional Service fees to deliver that scope.
Changes - Any changes requested post configuration which lie outside the agreed documentation will be completed by the Customer, or alternatively, a Change request can be raised for Lampi AI to complete the work for an additional charge.
Development Items – items where development would be required are considered out of scope, until a detailed scoping and analysis of the use case and associated data is conducted. Business requirements that are not possible within the current function of the software will be considered as a customisation and will be scoped and costed separately from the implementation costs, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Last updated